On this page are a series of fun creative projects I took on for myself, friends and even for work. In all this is a page where you can see what I’m doing creatively.
Reasonably Aimless Musings Zine Vol. 2

Zine Interior
Also I created an animation to go along with the interior of the zine.

Created a scarecrow for a children’s themed halloween event. The scarecrow’s name is Ollie C., and loves everybody and color.
O.C. Scarecrow, 2018, Fabrics, Tape, and Yarn.
O.C. Scarecrow, 2018, Fabrics, Tape, and Yarn.

Space Bees, Astronauts and Other Stellar Things
This was project created during a skillshare lesson I took back in 2015
Started off with random doodles & sketches.

A series of doodles & sketches lead this premliminary sketch before the coloring.